Thursday 10 November 2011

Best Critical Investigations 2011

How does the R&B genre construct certain gender ideologies? Why might this be a concern in a post feminist society? - Mariam

"I think my research will prove that it’s more acceptable for a woman to be represented as masculinethan a man to be feminised becausethere is more social stigma." ; 'critical perspective' - She is already in her introduction showing 'critical perspectives' of the gender ideologies and the different angles in which this debate can be argued.

"This is supported by Roland Barthes who says ‘there is social prohibition against the feminization of men, there is almost none against the masculinisation of women.’" ; 'sophisticated knowledge' & 'very good application of media concepts, contexts and critical debates.' - there is evidence that she has done independent research into the subject, uses these quotes to construct & support her arguments.

"R&B emerged from soul music originally which was similar in the lyrical content: love, lust, and lack of respect from men." ; 'very good understanding of the chosen area of investigation' - She show the historical context, and how it has emerged in society.

"From a Marxist perspective women are thought to absorb the anger that working class males face when they're alienated at work by the elite." ; 'critical debates' - Explores the different debates and shows how other theorists would debate about the gender ideologies.

"The song contrasts with Neyo's ‘Miss Independent’ as the man respects and desires a powerful independent woman. However with Rihanna's ‘Hard’ it could be argued that respect is only gained by becoming more masculine, for example when she’s gambling, she walks away from the all the men." ; 'analytical investigation' - She shows good analysis of the way in which men and women in are portrayed in music videos in a supposedly post feminist society.

"This can be an example of ‘gender trouble’ as Judith Butler highlighted." ; 'understanding of media

'It is well presented with a very detailed bibliography/source list' - She has a variety of sources from which she embeds her quotations and use the theories well to construct her analysis around.
concepts' - Use of media theorists to support her arguement is good, it is also 'fluent' and is easy to understand the argument that she is trying to get at.

"This may be down to the gender roles being restricted to women as there would have been more stigma attached to promiscuous women in the past than there is today." - considers how the portrayal of women in the media has changed and also how the role of a woman has changed over time.

"The female gaze is on Neyo even though he’s not sexually objectified but at the start when he comes into work, you hear a chorus of ‘good morning Neyo’ which could suggest he’s a ladies man." ; 'engagement with the primary text(s) and a range of secondary texts' - She uses both her primary and secondary texts to support her arguments.

"This suggests there is some truth in stereotypes which could be down to other factors like socialisation and cultural upbringing. It socialises women from a young age to primarily look after their men and put their needs second." - Looks at how it effects the audiences and their lifestyles e.g. the hyperdermic needle theory.

"Rihanna also considers Madonna as one of her idols and biggest influences, saying ‘‘Madonna has reinvented herself throughout her career and moved into different areas. I want to be the black Madonna.’’" ; 'independent research skills' - cosiders why there is change in the gender constructions of music videos.

"In contrast she presents herself as a modernised femme fatale who wears amilitary hat and red lipstick when she’s playing poker with men who are surrounded by alcohol." Good analysis and interpretation of the costume and make up.

 "‘‘The fascination with black 'butts' continues. In the sexual iconography of the traditional black pornographic imagination the protruding butt is seen as an indication of heightened sexuality’’" - 'very good application of media concepts, contexts and critical debates' 

However this is challenged in the poker scene as Rihanna beats the men at their own game which would be a blow to men’s self-esteem. Therefore this suggests that women are living in a post feminism society as women are striping away their ‘traditional’ gender roles and femininity.

Neyo’s ‘Miss Independent’ is aimed at mainstreamers and succeeders as they’d be goal orientated after seeing that women can be successful and in fact are more desirable to men.

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