Tuesday, 6 December 2011

More Links!

5 Guardian Links:
"As the biggest volunteer-led LGBT charity in the UK, for nearly 40 years – for many of those years, with no government support and in the teeth of hostility – we have been proving that the LGBT community can help itself: our volunteers provide support to more than 20,000 people every year and we bring up safer sex in every call, where appropriate, and provide information to thousands each year on HIV testing."

"where decisions deemed inappropriate to women, people of colour and the LGBT community are blocked – were not enough, they said."

"He subscribes to Eddie Izzard's idea that sexuality is like a ruler: homosexuality at one end, heterosexuality at the other – and lots of grades in between."

"Recently named its "hero of the year" by Stonewall, Roger Crouch, 55, had been working to raise awareness of homophobic bullying in the wake of Dom's death."

"A father who campaigned against homophobic bullying after his son killed himself amid rumours that he was gay has been found dead."

5 broadsheet links: 

"Allowing women drivers in Saudi Arabia will tempt them into sex, promote pornography and create more homosexuals, according to some conservative Muslim scholars."

"The advent of Aids would forever alter the way we think and talk about sex and sexuality; it would bring previously taboo subjects out into the open."

"Mr Obama also said he believed that gay partners deserved the same legal rights as every other couple in the US, but, as expected, he stopped short of endorsing gay marriage outright."

"Being a queer bastard of no provenance had trumped Sewell's talents and emphasised his position outside the magic circle of the Establishment. "

"For years they have been stigmatised, ignored, offered inadequate treatment and found themselves pushed to the edge of society, regularly forced to live without homes, support or even the official papers needed to find a job."

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