Monday 12 December 2011

Quotations & links continued ...

“Advertising operates predominantly by changing consumer tastes”
How effective is aspirational advertising such as ‘Paco Rabanne: 1 Million’ and perfume advertising in general, in influencing male consumer lifestyles, and why is this the case? - Sonia 

 “one of the ways of determining whether a male character in an advertisement has the required authority [...] is through visual appearance”

 “it is though patriarchy that power is attributed to males and withheld from females”

 “contradicts the basic premise of traditional heterosexuality – that only women are looked at and only men do the looking”

How are reality TV documentaries, such as Wife Swap and Supernanny constructed? Why is this genre so popular? - Bianca 
“mix of fact and fiction, of popular elements of documentary or news, popular elements of lifestyle or talk shows and drama like melodrama or soap opera" 

"Reality TV couldn’t be the success story it is if it didn’t appeal to lots of different kinds of audiences” .

“the one thing they are united on is drama student Beck’s sexuality”

“‘nothing is sacred’ philosophy" 

“fly-on-the-wall doesn't just watch the world. It can change it too.” 

How and why is violence so prevalent in modern videogames, and should audiences be better protected from it through censorship? - Kalbir

 “the general struggles any new medium has to go through before it gains wide social acceptance.” - Nielsen, S., Smith, J. H., & Tosca, S. P. (2008). Video Game Culture. Understanding video games: the essential introduction (p. 138). New York: Routledge.

“I aim at creating my art in the context of a universal idea of freedom. I am unquestionably against all physical and ideological manifestations of tyranny, oppression and imprisonment,” -  Benichou, P. (n.d.). » International Reviews Philippe Benichou Artist Blog. The Art of Philippe Benichou - Original Paintings - Limited Editions - Official Web Site. Retrieved January 24, 2011, from

life is liveable because we know that wherever we go most of the people we meet will be restrained in their actions towards us by an almost instinctive network of taboos.” - Ellis, H. (1910)

Wikipedia links:
Stonewall (charity):

"has never pretended to be a democratic member organisation. We have never said we speak for all lesbian, gay and bisexual people." - Geen, Jessica. "Stonewall chief executive won't be 'jumped into' gay marriage position"Pink News

Equality Act (Sexuality orientation) regulations:
 However, the Labour Party had not originally wanted to prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians. - ^ The Times, 27 February 2005

LGBT rights in the United Kingdom: 
On 16 September 2011, the UK Government announced plans to start a consultation on Same-Sex Civil Marriage, with the remit of the Consultation to be to examine how this can be introduced, rather than whether it should be introduced - ^

Civil partnership in the United Kingdom: 
In addition, having listened to stakeholders, it is clear from many that there is a desire to move towards equal civil marriage and partnerships. We will work with all those who have an interest in this area on how legislation can develop. - ^ Home Office website

Same sex marriage in the United Kingdom: 
In February 2011 the government expressed its intention to begin a consultation to allow both religious same-sex ceremonies and civil marriage for same-sex couples - a b Travis, Alan (17 February 2011). "Gay marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships may soon be welcomed"The Guardian (London: Guardian News and Media Limited). Retrieved 18 February 2011.

LGBT social movements:
A commonly stated goal is social equality for LGBT people; some have also focused on building LGBT communities, or worked towards liberation for the broader society from sexual oppression. -  Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America – Page 194

Queer theory:
Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant.
There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence.
'Queer' then, demarcates not a positivity but a positionality vis-à-vis the normative. -  David Halperin
(1997-02-06), Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography, Oxford University Press, p. 
62, ISBN 0195111273,
=queer%20odds, retrieved 2010-05-10

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